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Some Important Facts About William Bonac

The social media fan base of William Bonac has been increasing steadily. If you have never heard about him before then you will be hearing more details about him for sure. This IFFB Professional Bodybuilder is originally from Ghana. He grew up there but decided to relocate to Australia.

He is new to the IFFB scene but more and more people are starting to find all the details that they can find about him. This is due to his impressive physique and the displays that he has shown so far. He makes bodybuilding seem easy.

The Start of the Recognition

It was in the year 2011 when he competed in the Arnold Amateur Rivalry. He entered into the heavyweight classification. He was able to reach 3rd place. From then on, people already knew that he had potential. The following year, he joined the IFBB British Grand Prix wherein he reached 6th place and in the IFBB Europa Super Appeal where he was placed 3rd.

He was getting some recognition here and there but the moment that people truly paid attention to him was when he joined the IFBB Elvis Praque Pro. He was placed 5th in the contest but as if they are seeing him for the first time, observers and judges truly gave him second glances because of his physique.

Probably the greatest achievement that he has received so far was in the year 2016 when he won 2nd place. It was understandable because he was up against other bodybuilders who have been in the game much longer than him.


If you would ask William Bonac what sets him apart from all other bodybuilders, he will not say that it is his physique or his looks that make him different. Rather, it is his attitude that makes him likable. He is always confident because he knows that he has worked hard to get the physique that he has now but at the same time, he continues to be down-to-earth personality-wise. He knows that there are still so many things that he can learn.

His attitude has made it possible for him to be part of Mr. Olympia wherein people became impressed with his large arms and legs. He has always been very particular about the food that he eats. He gets the proper nutrition every day. What is funny about his transformation is that he only started working out when he was 13 years old because of stress. He realized that every time he feels problematic about life, working out gives him the release that he needs to have the strength and the energy to go through life again.

After nearly 2 decades, he has achieved the type of body that would allow him to be part of the Mr. Olympia Competition and he delivered.

It is very likely that he will become even more popular in the years to come because for William Bonac, the recognition for what he does only started recently. He is still going to be observed and judged in the years to come.

Strong Arms

One of the main reasons why he has always been noticed is because of his large and great looking arms. He makes sure that all of the muscle groups related to the arm area are worked out individually and in groups. People feel that his bicep peaks may be one of the best that can be seen in different bodybuilders. He uses heavy machines in order to get his biceps to look like the beautiful peaks that they are.


If you are impressed with his physique and you want to try out his training then make sure that you are prepared to do heavy and intense workouts. He makes use of machines and he also does free weight exercises in order to push his body to the best that it can be.

There may be some body builders who train every single day but he makes sure that he has days of rest. Usually he rests on Wednesdays and Sundays. These are the muscle groups that he works on the rest of the week:

  • Chest and Triceps on Mondays
  • Biceps and Back on Tuesdays
  • Hams, Calves, and Quads on Thursdays
  • Shoulders on Fridays
  • Cardio on Saturdays

Based on the things that he does, do you think you will be able to imitate his schedule? This can be hard if you have a job whereas he dedicates his life to bodybuilding. It is always important that you are passionate about what you are doing so that you will have the strength to always continue and eventually finish what you have started.

William Bonac has always said that to become a professional, there are a lot of disappointments that will be part of the whole journey but once you reach your goal, it will be worth it. If you plan to do bodybuilding, make sure that you know what you are getting into.

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