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Markus Ruhl – The Bodybuilder with The Best Shoulders

If you have always been updated in the world of bodybuilding then you are indeed familiar with different bodybuilders. One of those bodybuilders who have always been a favorite is Markus Ruhl. It is apparent that bodybuilders are passionate about what they do. If they are not, they would not reach the size and physique that they have always wanted.

This is the same for Markus Ruhl. He started out as a professional bodybuilder at the age of 18. He used to be passionate about playing soccer but because he suffered from a knee injury, he was recommended to do something else. This is when his passion for bodybuilding started. From then on, he began to train 6 days a week. If you think that training 6 out of 7 days is easy, you may not have done the type of training that bodybuilders do. He spends most of his time training and after some time, his hard work paid off. He started getting the body that would allow him to compete professionally.

Like with other bodybuilders, being recognized in the bodybuilding world was not given to him on a silver platter. He had to work hard like everyone else. He had to make sure that he was recognized. In a sea of great-looking bodies, this is not always easy. He also had to support himself. What people do not realize is that bodybuilders have to make some investments on themselves too. They need to have money to invest so he earned money by being a used cars salesman.

As a bodybuilder, here are the things that he did:

  • Follow a strict diet – Bodybuilders are known to prioritize eating a certain type of food as compared to others. Eating a lot of calories does not mean filling yourself up with empty calories. You need to load up on protein and be wiser about your food choices.
  • Hit the gym almost every day – It was mentioned earlier that he went to the gym 6 days a week. Spending lots of hours working out is not easy especially for someone who is not dedicated. By going to the gym, he has shown obvious dedication.
  • Follow a plan – There are reasons why he wanted to become a bodybuilder and he used these reasons to formulate plans that will lead him to the right path.

Great Genes

One thing that Markus Ruhl has that other aspiring bodybuilders do not have is good genes. There are some bodies that will be easier to build and will always look better than others. He is lucky that he had the right genes for the bodybuilding world. During his competitive days, he was well-known as one of the bodybuilders with the best physiques. A lot of people looked at him and felt that he looked unreal because surely, it will be hard for anyone to look that good. He has shown the world that it is always possible.

When he achieved his superhuman size, a lot of people became impressed. He immediately became a fan favorite. There were forums that were started in order to discuss him and his placements at the different competitions that he has joined during his heyday. People started to become interested in his training program because they were inspired by his massive size.

His Size Now

There are some people who think that after all these years, his body would not be as good as it was before. There are some bodybuilders who just forget about their diets and just start to live what other people would consider “normal” lives. With this former bodybuilder, his body may not be as ripped as it was during his prime but he still has a body that is better than most people his age. It would be hard to find men in their 40s with shoulders still as big as his.

There are a lot of people who still miss him in the bodybuilding world and he usually allows people to become updated with his life through Instagram. He still has a type of body that will make you run the other way when you see him out in the streets at night.

Things may be different now for this bodybuilder but it cannot be denied that he is still popular in the world of bodybuilding. Markus Ruhl, the bodybuilder with the best shoulders will still be remembered and adored by many in the years to come.

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