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D-Bol Pills – A Closer Look

Dianabol pills or d-bols are anabolic drugs associated with the male sex hormone. These are considered an alternative type of anabolic steroid after testosterone. D-bol pills became popular in the 60’s when athletes and bodybuilders used them for improving their athletic and bodybuilding performances. They help you gain additional muscle mass with proven results. These are legal, safe, and easy to take without resorting to needles. D-bols comes in different colors ranging in white, pink, yellow, green, and blue.

D-bols are steroids but they have nothing to do with the long-term effects of the steroids which precede it. So you the benefits that comes from steroids. The pills are relatively cheap and when you take them  along with other supplements for at least 12 weeks, you will get the amazing results you had been looking for.


The pills enhance the protein synthesis in the body, resulting with  increased muscle mass safely and transforms the body by giving it added strength and bulk. It does so by nitrogen retention which stimulates the body to synthesize extra proteins. It adds up to your skeletal muscles thus giving it extra vigor and strength. It speeds you up and makes you more active and alert.


Anabolism is kind of constructive metabolism that uses simpler molecules from the body to build complex molecules along with storage of energy. Androgenic steroids promote androgenic effects like male sexual characteristics and anabolic effects like muscle growth. These are prescribed drugs which are additionally used for medical purposes.


These are used at some medical healthcare centers to treat serious diseases like breast cancer, arthritis, and asthma. They are also used to treat injury, as a chemotherapeutic agent, and to deal with growth problems.


Since 1960’s, d-bol pills have became a very stable product to increase muscle mass and is on a huge hit list of bodybuilders. Those who lack proteins in their diet can easily take these pills to fulfill the demands of the body and to increase protein content. This is apart from what is excreted via urine, sweat, stool, etc. It comes with a great price and the best quality. D-bol pills do not affect blood circulation. They provides the body extra oxygen in a heavy workout. As a result, you can gain from two up to four pounds per week with six weeks of usage, thus showing quick results. It does so by following three mechanisms:

1) Glycogenolysis

Glycogenolysis, as the name indicates, refers to the breakdown of stored glycogen in the liver and muscles to glucose. Glucose is required for the body’s metabolism. The active glucose will then provide extra carbohydrates to perform well at the gym.

2) Protein Synthesis

It is also an essential process of the body that helps to synthesize muscles and retain muscle mass. The nitrogen component of d-bol pills will provide an extra tint of this element to help build up more proteins.

3) Nitrogen Retention

It helps the body reabsorb the nitrogen levels and maintain them in the body. Nitrogen is an anabolic factor and assists in building structural components of the body. If body runs short of nitrogen, the body will respond by quickly going into a metabolic state.


Every product in the world is used for some good but their excessive use can make it abusive. This is the same with dianabol pills used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance their athletic activity.

Following are some adverse effects:

  • Liver disease
  • Heart or kidney malfunction
  • Outbursts of aggression
  • Paranoia (a disorder of mistrusting others)
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Serious acne problems
  • Hinders Growth
  • Increased water retention(Bloating)
  • Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

But that happens when you start taking an overdose of pills. An excess of everything is bad; with d-bol pills or if you are taking some other steroid or alternative. But within a safe range as recommended by your gym practitioner, d-bol pills are safe to take. Even if you miss one dose, don’t double up on the doses. Take one the next time you are scheduled. Missing a dose won’t do much harm as it does when you double a dose. Thus, mishandling their use can lead to major problems. Moreover, you should be healthy enough to take them and in addition, educate yourself regarding hormones.

NOTE: Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, suffering from glaucoma, or osteoporosis should not be taking d-bol pills.




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