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Winstrol Side Effects – Can They Be Avoided?

If you are familiar with anabolic steroids, you will know that one of the most popular ones is Winstrol. A lot of bodybuilders have used it throughout the years. In fact, this is already considered to be illegal and yet a lot of professionals have been caught using it. This has been its reputation already along with Winstrol side effects. People cannot help but wonder can they be avoided?

Some Winstrol Side Effects

If you think that the Winstrol side effects are only made up by people who are against the use of steroids, think again. These side effects do exist. The only concern is can they be prevented in the first place? All types of anabolic steroids come with side effects and Winstrol is not an exception. What makes this different from all the others is that its effects are rather mild as compared to other anabolic steroids.

Here are some of the side effects that you can expect from these steroids:

  • Dramatic cholesterol issues – Expect that your bad cholesterol or LDL will increase while your good cholesterol or HDL will decrease. If you already have poor cholesterol levels, you will not be allowed by your doctor to take this steroid.
  • Testosterone suppression – This is common in almost all anabolic steroids, the production of steroids will be halted so men may experience some changes with their bodies. Some of the changes due to the lack of testosterone are the following:
    • Hair thins out from various parts of the body
    • Baldness
    • Lack of sexual drive
    • Inability to perform during sex
    • Lack of endurance to do exercises or even to do work.

It should be noted that testosterone is very important for men so you will be recommended to take a testosterone booster along with this anabolic steroid to alter the effect.

  • It can be problematic to the liver. There was a time when people thought that only the pills are a bit hepatic to the liver especially when taken in large dosages; but over time, studies show that even injectables can create a bad effect. If you already have liver problems and you would like to take this steroid, you have to inform your doctor about it first if it would be safe. Once again the hepatic levels of anabolic steroids will depend on the type that you will get.
  • Acne – This is a problem that a lot of users of Winstrol experience. The moment that they stop taking the steroids, this particular side effect will disappear.
  • Hair Loss – It has already been mentioned that hair loss is one of the expected effects of taking this anabolic steroid but instead of your hair falling from your head in clumps, what will happen is that you will speed up the possibility of losing your hair. For example, if you were about to lose your hair at 60 years old, taking this steroid means that you will lose it at 55 years old instead.

Side Effects Experienced by Women

Winstrol is a steroid that is not only used by men, women use it too. Do take note that this is one of the anabolic steroids that women can take so the effects on them may not be as severe as the side effects that will be experienced by men. The most common Winstrol side effects that will be experienced by women is virilization. This means that their testosterone levels will increase. They may start having deeper voices and they may start growing hair in other parts of their body. As long as the dosages will be kept to a minimum and the recommended dosages will be followed, then this will not become an issue for women. Women can simply discontinue the use of this steroid and all of the side effects that they are beginning to experience will go away too.

With all of the side effects that can be experienced by people when taking Winstrol, some cannot help but ask why do people still continue to take it? There are some benefits that people can get from it such as the following:

  • Improved strength and stamina – This is important especially for people who do physical activities.
  • Leaner physique – People who would like to get rid of their excess fat may benefit with the use of this steroid.

Are the benefits mentioned above worth it for the side effects that will be experienced? Will you take Winstrol if the side effects could be avoided?

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